Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 23rd, is American Diabetes Association Alert Day. If you go to the Stop Diabetes site you will learn all kinds of interesting things like the fact that 1 in 5 Americans is at risk for type 2 diabetes and that nearly 6 Million people have Diabetes and don't even know it. So most likely you or someone you know has diabetes as this disease becomes more and more common.
For me it hit close to home. My mother was diagnosed with diabetes not long after I was born and it claimed her life when I was 10 years old. She was 39 - only nine years older than I am now. Although I was very young at the time I remember the difficulty my mother had coping with the lifestyle changes that come with being a diabetic. She was always a naturally thin person, so diet restrictions were not a previous concern. I now know that she went through depression as a result of being diagnosed. From my research, this is a common occurrence. Her defiance towards diabetes, combined with failure to properly regulate her diet and insulin intake is what caused the diabetic coma and ultimately her death.
I tell this story because I want people that have, or know someone that has diabetes, to take it seriously. Losing someone to this disease is life-changing. I still miss my mom every day.
It is my hope that we can stop diabetes so that no child has to lose a parent to diabetes ever again. You can visit for education on Type 1, Type 2 and Gestational Diabetes. The site includes prevention information, a way to donate and recipes. You can also take a Risk Test to determine if you are pre-diabetes or type 2. Of course you should also visit your doctor for regular check ups and he/she will be able to test your blood glucose.
I hope that everyone will take a minute to read the information provided by the American Diabetes Association and think about making positive changes in your lifestyle to help lower your risk of being diagnosed with diabetes. Do it for yourself and your loved ones.
- Pictured above is my Grandmother, on the left and my mom, Nina, on the right. And yes, that blond, chubby baby is me. Go ahead and have yourself a good laugh. :)