Rather than a list of resolutions for next year, here's a list of what I learned:
1) Always be thankful for those that love you and have your back.
2) Don't ignore your instincts - in life or work. If you're gut is telling you something is wrong, it probably is.
3) Time is a commodity that, once spent, is never returned. Make sure you're spending it on the right people and things.
4) Las Vegas is a terrible place and someone should burn it to the ground**
5) There are bad people in this world. That's a fact. But, just because you encounter one, doesn't mean you should give up on people as a whole. There are also some really good people.
6) Friends can be very wise if you listen to them.
Now go check out this blog that always makes me laugh. #3 on her list of disappointments is my favorite. One day it will be legal...one day...
My Champagne of choice this NYE is Piper-Heidsieck. It comes in this beautiful box (you can use the top to hold a votive candle also). Marilyn Monroe said she started each day with a glass, but I can't think of a better way to toast in the new year (besides a kiss at midnight, of course). Cheers 2014!!!
**I'm kind of kidding about this one. My BFF and I had some fun times on that trip but I swear I will never, ever go back.