Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pet Peeves

The ladies at our office decided to have a weight loss contest.  A mass message was sent out to the 50 something people I work with that said,

"BIGGEST LOOSER CONTEST:  Sign up for the Biggest Looser Contest to see who can loose the most weight!"

I don't know why things like this make me crazy but they do.  I didn't say anything when the inital message was sent, but after two reminders about the "Biggest Looser" Contest, I lost it and sent the following message to the sender:

"FYI - screws are loose. you LOSE weight"

She called me, laughing, to say that she didn't realize the mistake and she would be sure to correct it in the next email.  Later that week, we got another reminder about the contest:

"BIGGEST LOSER CONTEST:  Starts Monday.  Please advice me if you will be participating."


1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! That drives me crazy too!!! People like that shouldn't be allowed to write in public :)
