Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tracy Anderson Method: Sequence 3

Soreness isn't really the proper word to describe the way my body is feeling.  I am sore but its so much more than that...  I guess when Tracy says you will have "flu-like" symptoms from her workout she is right.  At least this is how I feel after the first two days of Sequence 3.  The muscles that are normally hanging out, enjoying the ride have been woken up and told to get to work.  And they are protesting.  BIG TIME.

But I believe the results are good.  Here's where I messed up:  I didn't weigh myself before I started.  I don't even own a scale (a bad thing I think).  But I do know how my clothes fit before and I know how they fit now and let me say, things are looking up.  Plus, my body feels stronger. 

I did get a semi-compliment from a loved one on my complexion as well.  I was told that I looked sort of glowing - not my usual drunken red color.  (nice compliment, eh?) I don't know if that is from the work out or the fact that instead of rolling in after a night of drinking and passing out, I now actually have the time to wash my face and put on moisturizer before going to bed.  I'm thinking the latter. 

So I have 9 more days on the program.  4 more days of eating regular food.  Then I start the dreaded "cleanse" of pureed mess.  We'll see how that goes.  I have the feeling that the last five days I'm going to be more cranky than usual. 

I will be so glad to have a cup of coffee or some tea.  Or a glass of wine.  But for now, I'm off to have my breakfast of mango and ice water. 

Friday, November 5, 2010

2 Weeks to Go! - Tracy Anderson Method

So I have exactly two weeks to go on the Tracy Anderson Method.  I just finished my beets (blah, blah, blah) but overall, I'm feeling pretty good.  I think I can see some definition in my arms which is pretty cool.  Jacob keeps saying my butt is little.  He is boarderline obsessed with the fact that my butt is small.  The butt has never been my problem anyway.  I have always been a tummy girl.  I get it from my dad's side of the family.  Thank God I got my mother's long legs or I would have really been in trouble. 

But even the tummy is smaller.  Not perfect but its getting there.  I think I need to suck it up and do more cardio.  I average about 40 min a day but I think I need to increase to an hour for these last two weeks.  It is tough to devote the time to working out with my job being so demanding but I'm muddling through. 

Not drinking was the hardest part of this whole thing but even that has gotten better.  Lots of the other attorneys that I know drink.  Hell, I drink.  I enjoy going out with them to drink.   But now I've been MIA from the drinking/social scene.  One attorney told me a bartender at one of the places we visit regularly was asking what happened to me.  I just got a text from one of my friends that said "I'm drinking at TABC if you want to come.. Oh wait.."   I called her a bitch (I meant it in a friendly way).

But two weeks to go and I'll be done!  I'm trying to decide if I even want to go back to drinking alcohol - It really hasn't been that hard to drink water only.  Maybe I'll stick with water and then have a drink occasionally.  That would probably be best. 

So Its Friday, 5:00 and I am looking forward to going home and working out for 2 1/2 hours.  Yea. 
After that I am going to sleep.  I should change my bio from semi-reformed party girl to reformed party girl.  Or maybe I should just say I'm a total bore. 

Monday, November 1, 2010

BEETS! blah.

Beets taste like dirt. 

This is the second time I've had to eat them as part of the Tracy Anderson 30 Day Program.  The first time I did it by the book, steaming the beets with some orange juice as she instructed.  I could barely get one down.  It was pretty sick.  These aren't like pickled beets (which I happen to think are pretty good).  No no...the beets I cooked retained their flavor of the earth in a strong way.  And by earth I mean dirt. 

So imagine my horror when yesterday, as I was planning my trip to the store, I saw that, once again, beets were on the menu.  Ayy dios mio!  No no no no no, I said out loud, emphatically shaking my head.  I told myself I would skip the beets this go around.  Tracy Anderson and her diet be damned!

But then as I'm walking into Whole Foods, (stopping on the way to say hi to the cart guy who is, by now, recognizing me and bringing me the little cart which is the one I prefer) I start to feel guilty about not eating the beets.  I start to beat myself up over not following the program, and how far I've come to bail on it all now.  I pass by the raw beets and shudder, telling myself I will pick them up on the way out.

But then, in the prepared food aisle, there they are!  Steamed beets!  Surely these would be better than mine!  Surely Whole Foods knows the magic secret to make beets taste good! I didn't have to skip out on my program! I could have it all! This was a win-win! 

I asked the girl dressed as a teenage mutant ninja turtle behind the counter for some help.  She had on crazy green sunglasses so I couldn't see her expression when I asked for a small container of the beets. 
It looked like I was the only person to ask for beets all day as they were still piled high.  She was probably thinking just before I got there that she was going to have to dump out the beets again today and what a waste it is to prepare them since nobody, I mean nobody, orders them.  But, alas!  There I am with my cart full of salmon, endive, and tofu asking for beets. 

I wasn't even worried as I brought my beets to work today.  I just knew that these were going to be much better than mine.  So at 3 o'clock, I go get them out of the refridgerator and sit down at my desk to partake in my afternoon snack.

My fork goes into the beet easily.  I take this as a good sign that they are soft.  I take a sniff of the beet.  Smells alright.  So far so good.  I bite bravely.

Beets taste like dirt.  :(

** to be fair, apparently beets have lots of health benefits.  see: