Friday, November 5, 2010

2 Weeks to Go! - Tracy Anderson Method

So I have exactly two weeks to go on the Tracy Anderson Method.  I just finished my beets (blah, blah, blah) but overall, I'm feeling pretty good.  I think I can see some definition in my arms which is pretty cool.  Jacob keeps saying my butt is little.  He is boarderline obsessed with the fact that my butt is small.  The butt has never been my problem anyway.  I have always been a tummy girl.  I get it from my dad's side of the family.  Thank God I got my mother's long legs or I would have really been in trouble. 

But even the tummy is smaller.  Not perfect but its getting there.  I think I need to suck it up and do more cardio.  I average about 40 min a day but I think I need to increase to an hour for these last two weeks.  It is tough to devote the time to working out with my job being so demanding but I'm muddling through. 

Not drinking was the hardest part of this whole thing but even that has gotten better.  Lots of the other attorneys that I know drink.  Hell, I drink.  I enjoy going out with them to drink.   But now I've been MIA from the drinking/social scene.  One attorney told me a bartender at one of the places we visit regularly was asking what happened to me.  I just got a text from one of my friends that said "I'm drinking at TABC if you want to come.. Oh wait.."   I called her a bitch (I meant it in a friendly way).

But two weeks to go and I'll be done!  I'm trying to decide if I even want to go back to drinking alcohol - It really hasn't been that hard to drink water only.  Maybe I'll stick with water and then have a drink occasionally.  That would probably be best. 

So Its Friday, 5:00 and I am looking forward to going home and working out for 2 1/2 hours.  Yea. 
After that I am going to sleep.  I should change my bio from semi-reformed party girl to reformed party girl.  Or maybe I should just say I'm a total bore. 

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