Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye 2011...

On my way out to say goodbye to 2011. Where did the time go? Why does it seem as if the years pass faster the older I get?

Overall, 2011 was a great year. I had two friends come back into my life in a very positive way. I am happy to have both of their friendships. I feel closer to my family than ever; specifically to my nieces. They are such wonderful girls! My dad, with his various health issues, made it another year and kept me laughing in the process.

Also, I think with age, anxiety lessens. Which is a good thing for those of us that are of a particular anxious nature. I feel calmer than ever.

I have a few resolutions for the coming year, as well as a motto:
All things in moderation. I mean to apply this to everything in the coming year - spending, drinking, working. I'm taking it down a notch so I can focus more on inner happiness.


1) floss daily
2) smile more
3) stay off my phone while driving!
4) appreciate those who make my life easier - the people who help me be successful
5) enjoy life every day (after all the Mayans say this year is it)

Blessings to anyone reading this. Time to start this night with a nice dinner out.

Happy New Year!!


  1. Things we have in common:
    Our names
    Our need to floss more frequently. (Ugh, hate admitting so.)
    Our need to talk on the phone while driving.
    Love of writing
    Party planning
    Law. (Okay, I lied. The closest I get to law is my husband, who is also a lawyer. But, I love Legally Blonde. Does that count?)

  2. I love Legally Blonde also! That movie tricked me into thinking that lawyering would be more fun!

    After reading your blog I think I'm more your evil twin than soul mate. You're stories are so sweet!
