For my birthday on the 5th, I had this really ambitious plan to do 33 good deeds/random acts of kindness. I would like to say it was my idea but I was actually inspired by another blogger who did it for her 34th birthday. With all the messed up stuff going on in the world, we all could use more kindness - both giving and receiving, no matter how big or small. There were a couple of things I learned and a couple of problems I encountered.
First of all, when consulting I was disappointed to see ideas like "hold the door open for someone" and "clean up after yourself." Seriously people, if you are not doing these things already something is wrong with you. Maybe I was just raised with manners and some people weren't but if I didn't hold the door for someone or clean up after I made a mess I would be down right ashamed (and would have gotten a strict talking to by my parents). Another one that got me was "Give affection to your loved ones." What? Really? Maybe some people need to be reminded but that seems odd to me. I do this all the time. Its important to let people know how you feel. I don't want you to be dissuaded from this website. It has a lot of good ideas and implemented some of them. All I'm saying is that I was surprised to see things I was raised to to on this list.
Overall I was fairly successful in my mission until I was sidelined by a sudden illness I believe to be brought on by number 11. No good deed goes unpunished!
Here's what I was able to accomplish on my birthday (remember, no kind act is too small):
1) Wished someone else a Happy Birthday
2) Wrote a thank you note to my postman (The postman wrote back a big THANKS!!! on the card. This stuff works I'm telling you.)
3) Paid for the starbucks order of the person behind me. (She yelled a thank you from her car.)
4) Gave a donation to DFW Pug Rescue
5) Shared some birthday cookies delivered to me with the work staff.
6) Signed up for - a micro volunteering website
7) Signed up again this year to be an e-mentor for a DISD student (I was on the fence about it before)
8) Gave a big tip to the sonic carhop when I got my drink today
9) Stayed off my phone while driving (I think this counts because I made the roads a safer place, something I should do more often)
10) Gave up a front row parking spot to someone else.
11) Donated Blood (I have to give a shout out to the 23 year old girl who took my blood today and told me I did not look 33 at all. She really made my day. I don't think she was faking her look of shock. If so she should leave behind the blood drawing field and go into acting because I was convinced.)
12) Gave bottled water to a homeless person
13) Bought something from a co-worker to support her son's pewee football team. (I was on the verge of saying no to the $16 "gourmet" pizzas she was peddling but then I remembered I had to get to 33)
14) Emailed the girls at our process serving company a thank you note (some people over there are mistakenly "scared" of me)
15) Gave a friend some of my Green Tea Hawaii to try. I drink this stuff everyday since I gave up soda 3 years ago. I have a mission to get everyone off of soda!
16) Complimented a co-workers haircut
17) Nice to an Insurance Adjuster (This fell under the RAOK suggestion of "be nice to someone you dislike")
18) Complimented a stranger's shoes (They were actually cute)
19) Let my dad ride in the front seat to dinner so he could take advantage of the A/C seats in the new truck.
20) Gave some free legal advice to a friend.
So I didn't quite make it to 33. At dinner, I think my blood pressure dropped or something because I almost passed out and broke out into this cold sweat. Probably because I was operating with minus a pint of blood (and OK I did have a skinny margarita and I don't think you're supposed to drink for like 24 hours after donating). I'm fine now but had to go home and take it easy, thus putting an end to my mission. I did give my dad a big hug and thank him for coming to have dinner with me. I also took time to "like" or comment on the 90 something people that wished me a happy birthday on facebook - so maybe in some way that fills in the gap. There's always next year...
Now stop reading and go do something nice for someone!
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