Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012

Well this year is coming to a close....rather quickly - just a few hours left.  It has been really fantastic.  I had a lovely wedding surrounded by my closest family and friends and traveled with my new husband to Ireland to explore the country of our ancestors.  I'm looking forward to even more good things in the coming year.  Rather than resolutions, I have been trying to think of a theme for this next year.  I have a couple but I think the main one is going to be "Living Clean in 2013."

For me this means dumping a few bad habits and being more aware of my family's economic and environmental footprint.  I want to simplify things around here.  This  also means cleaning up and cleaning out a lot of the old and/or unnecessary things in my life.  I'm excited for what the future holds and hope you all have a blessed and prosperous new year!

Photo from - Donate today to help pugs in need!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I think a change, would do you good...

Well this year has flown by!  In the spirit of ushering in the new I decided to update the blog with a simpler look.  I would wait until closer to the end of the month, but if the Mayans have their way we won't be here come December 21st ( or 22nd?  I'm not exactly certain if the world ends at midnight or what).  Rather than deprive my two subscribers everyone of the exciting changes, I decided to update now just in case.  Also, its that time of the afternoon where I need a little break from my regular work.

If we all happen to make it past the Mayan doomsday, my friends and I have decided to do this NYE up proper.  We are usually the group that says things like, "It's too crowded to go out on New Year's" and "Everything is so expensive for that one night."  You know, the boring, old type.  Not this year my friends!

Here is how you do it up right:

1) Wear sequins.  Although sequins are not exactly out of place in Dallas,  I'm not usually a sequin type of gal so this is a big step.

2) Find the most over-the-top, outrageously expensive party to attend; Something that costs a bazillion dollars a ticket. Pay the bazillion dollars.  Don't flinch when you fork over the money.

3) Never be seen without a glass of bubbly in your hand.  (Arrange a cab ride in advance to complete this step effectively)

4) Take lots of pics but do NOT, for the love of God, post them to facebook, instagram, or any other social media until you have had a chance to review and edit when sober.

5) Kiss someone at midnight.  If married, be sure its your spouse or risk a very nasty fight and possible divorce in 2013.  No one wants that.

That's pretty much it.  I plan on completing all of these steps to ring in 2013.  13 is my lucky number so I have a feeling its going to be a fabulous year!  Who else has exciting plans for the holidays? 

Monday, November 19, 2012

I don't participate in the 30 days of thankfulness like all my Facebook friends but I do have something I'm very thankful for today...

A SHORT WORKWEEK.  I'm taking off Wednesday so that means only 1 day before my mini vacay starts! 

Thanksgiving plans are not nailed down yet but I've decided already that I'm NOT cooking the entire feast like I did last year (even though my first Turkey was spectacular).  It is a lot of work and I think I would prefer to concentrate my cooking efforts this year on appetizers and desserts; Leaving me time to relax and enjoy my time at home with a glass of wine and a pug in my lap.  That being said, I'm going to pick up some goodies from Bolsa Mercado over in the Bishop Arts District:  Roasted All Natural Amish Turkey and Gravy with Sausage, Fennel and Apple Dressing.  I'm also getting the Cranberry & Port Chutney.  My dad HAS to have a cranberry sauce with his turkey or he will refuse to eat it.  Seriously, he wouldn't eat Christmas dinner a couple of years ago because he someone forgot to buy cranberry sauce.  He put his plate in the sink and went into the living room to sulk rather than spend time with everyone else at the dinner table.  I'm not risking that mood again!

I sincerely hope that everyone has a safe, relaxing, wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.

Gobble Gobble.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Remembering Mom

When this day rolls around every year, depending on where I'm at in my life, I have a different reaction.  I always think about my mom and continually miss her.  Even after all this time, some days are difficult (read: day before my wedding, when I had a little "I-want-my-mother" breakdown).  Other days, I feel like she's with me still.  Like when I think I've ruined something or messed up in some way, I hear her voice in my head.  When I was 8 or 9 we went to the store and somehow I spilled liquid laundry detergent all over myself and the floor.  It was a BIG mess and I felt terrible because I thought I had ruined my private school jumper and my mom's shopping trip.  She looked at me with my head down and tears in my eyes, smiled and said, "Its ok, Lesley.  Little girls can be washed".

Last night, I ran across the letter below and it gave me loads of comfort heading into this day.  I have always believed I would see my mom again. Until then, I like the thought she will be there waiting for me on the other side.

A letter written by Benjamin Franklin to his niece on the death of his brother February 23, 1756:

"I condole with you. We have lost a most dear and valuable relation. But it is the will of God and nature that these mortal bodies be laid aside when the soul is to enter into real life. This is rather an embryo state, a preparation for living. A man is not completely born until he is dead. Why then should we grieve that a new child is born among the immortals, a new member added to their happy society?

We are Spirits. That bodies should be lent us, while they can afford us pleasure, assist us in acquiring knowledge, or in doing good to our fellow creatures, is a kind and benevolent act of God. When they become unfit for these purposes, and afford us pain instead of pleasure, instead of aid become an encumbrance, and answer none of the intentions for which they were given, it is equally kind and benevolent that a way is provided by which we may rid of them. Death is that way.

We ourselves, in some cases, prudently choose a partial death. A mangled painful limb which cannot be restored, we willingly cut off. He who plucks out a tooth parts with it freely, since the pain goes with it; and he who quits the whole body, parts at once with all pains and possibilities of pain and diseases which it was liable to, or capable of making him suffer.

Our friend and we are invited abroad on a party of pleasure which is to last forever. His chair was ready first, and he is gone before us. We could not all conveniently start together; and why should you and I be grieved at this, since we are soon to follow, and know where to find him?"
Mom and I before one of my dance recitals - circa 1987

Friday, October 12, 2012

Chili Cook-off Confidential

I learned a dirty secret at the chili cook off a couple of weeks ago.  Let me start by saying, It was a good time and I worked very hard on my chili.  The way I cook it is simple - I come up with my very own base recipe and the day of, I tweak it depending on how its tasting.  So this involves a lot of sampling and adding ingredients as necessary.  I was very happy with my finished product.  Here is a pic of me hard at work (notice the sign that says, "badass chili located here"):

So anyway, as we were awaiting the results of the chili cook-off, my friends and I started talking to a group of men proclaiming they were this year's winners.  The results had not yet been announced.  Sure enough, this group ended up taking 1st, 2nd, 4th, and a few other places all in the top 10.  So what is the dirty secret?  According to these guys, they use a mix purchased off the internet.  Each one of them does a little something different to their pot of chili so the judges don't taste the exact same thing.  Yet the judges ARE tasting the exact same chili mix with only minor differences.  I was informed by the winners, the way to win chili cook-offs is consistency and the best way to be consistent is a mix.  

I have to admit, I was disheartened by this bit of news.  I thought the whole point was to come up with an original recipe.  I think using a mix defeats the spirit of the competition.  But what do I know?  These guys were going to the competition in Terlingua so obviously they are doing something right.  Still, I cannot, CANNOT, bring myself to use a mix in the next competition.  It just doesn't feel right.

At the end of the day, we made it to the finalist table and got an honorable mention for our chili submission.  I consider this a moral victory - since I DID NOT USE A MIX.  I was incredibly excited we made it that far.  Much better results than last year. One day, I will claim victory at the State Fair Chili Cook-off!

Now here is a picture of the pumpkin I painted for our front porch  ( I actually did this by hand):

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fall is in the air and its almost chili cook-off time!

Tonight I start my graphic design program at SMU.  I'm really excited about it, although I don't think I will be able to finish it as quickly as I thought.  Unfortunately, our house needs foundation work.  (I'm still not sure if this matter is going to result in a lawsuit so I can't say too much about my bitterness on the subject.)  As of right now its going to cost us quite a bit of money so I will be shelling out for that instead of completing school in a timely manner.  Sigh.  Oh well - at least I'm getting started - and starting school is a sure sign of fall.

Also, pinterest and several blogs I follow are all abuzz with fall decorating.  Wreaths seem to be quite popular with the home decorating set (see here and here).  I've decided to get in on the wreath action this weekend since I can't do other things to my home (like painting or redoing the fireplace - again thanks to the necessary foundation work.  boooooo!)  I'm feeling rather crafty so this is probably a good time to get my front porch looking nice.   I also feel like baking to I think I'm going to make homemade cinnamon rolls on Saturday. 

Sunday is the State Fair of Texas Chili Cook-off.  Yes, Team "No Beans MF" is back!  And this time we are in it to win it.  I learned a lot last year regarding the "rules" so I'm ready to make some badass chili and take home the blue ribbon.  I also talked to my brother, Mark, who knows everything about everything.  We had a 2 hour strategy session with regard to my chili making - such as when to add certain spices and other top secret things I can't tell you about.  

My friend decided she wanted to get in on the chili making this year so we had a mini chili cook-off at the office.  Her chili was excellent.  My chili got more votes.  She was EXTREMELY bitter about not winning (can you say competitive?) and took it out on everyone in the office for a day or two.  I think she's over it now and on board for Sunday's competition.  She can't resist eating chili and drinking beer on a Sunday morning. No matter what, we will still have fun.  We always do.

Looking back at this post, It appears I have a very ambitious weekend ahead of me!  Stay tuned for the State Fair Chili Cook-off Results.  I can't wait to post a pic with my blue ribbon!

Friday, September 7, 2012


For my birthday on the 5th, I had this really ambitious plan to do 33 good deeds/random acts of kindness.   I would like to say it was my idea but I was actually inspired by another blogger who did it for her 34th birthday. With all the messed up stuff going on in the world, we all could use more kindness - both giving and receiving, no matter how big or small.  There were a couple of things I learned and a couple of problems I encountered.

First of all, when consulting I was disappointed to see ideas like "hold the door open for someone" and "clean up after yourself."  Seriously people, if you are not doing these things already something is wrong with you.  Maybe I was just raised with manners and some people weren't but if I didn't hold the door for someone or clean up after I made a mess I would be down right ashamed (and would have gotten a strict talking to by my parents).  Another one that got me was "Give affection to your loved ones."  What?  Really?  Maybe some people need to be reminded but that seems odd to me.  I do this all the time.  Its important to let people know how you feel.   I don't want you to be dissuaded from this website.  It has a lot of good ideas and implemented some of them.  All I'm saying is that I was surprised to see things I was raised to to on this list. 

Overall I was fairly successful in my mission until I was sidelined by a sudden illness I believe to be brought on by number 11.  No good deed goes unpunished!

Here's what I was able to accomplish on my birthday (remember, no kind act is too small):

1) Wished someone else a Happy Birthday
2) Wrote a thank you note to my postman (The postman wrote back a big THANKS!!! on the card.  This stuff works I'm telling you.)
3)  Paid for the starbucks order of the person behind me. (She yelled a thank you from her car.)
4)  Gave a donation to DFW Pug Rescue
5)  Shared some birthday cookies delivered to me with the work staff.
6)  Signed up for - a micro volunteering website
7)  Signed up again this year to be an e-mentor for a DISD student (I was on the fence about it before)
8)  Gave a big tip to the sonic carhop when I got my drink today
9)  Stayed off my phone while driving (I think this counts because I made the roads a safer place, something I should do more often)
10) Gave up a front row parking spot to someone else.
11) Donated Blood (I have to give a shout out to the 23 year old girl who took my blood today and told me I did not look 33 at all.  She really made my day. I don't think she was faking her look of shock.  If so she should leave behind the blood drawing field and go into acting because I was convinced.)
12) Gave bottled water to a homeless person
13) Bought something from a co-worker to support her son's pewee football team. (I was on the verge of saying no to the $16 "gourmet" pizzas she was peddling but then I remembered I had to get to 33)
14) Emailed the girls at our process serving company a thank you note (some people over there are mistakenly "scared" of me)
15) Gave a friend some of my Green Tea Hawaii to try.  I drink this stuff everyday since I gave up soda 3 years ago.  I have a mission to get everyone off of soda!
16) Complimented a co-workers haircut
17) Nice to an Insurance Adjuster (This fell under the RAOK suggestion of "be nice to someone you dislike")
18) Complimented a stranger's shoes (They were actually cute)
19) Let my dad ride in the front seat to dinner so he could take advantage of the A/C seats in the new truck.
20)  Gave some free legal advice to a friend.

So I didn't quite make it to 33.  At dinner, I think my blood pressure dropped or something because I almost passed out and broke out into this cold sweat.  Probably because I was operating with minus a pint of blood (and OK I did have a skinny margarita and I don't think you're supposed to drink for like 24 hours after donating).  I'm fine now but had to go home and take it easy, thus putting an end to my mission.  I did give my dad a big hug and thank him for coming to have dinner with me.  I also took time to "like" or comment on the 90 something people that wished me a happy birthday on facebook - so maybe in some way that fills in the gap.   There's always next year...

Now stop reading and go do something nice for someone!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A healthy dose of pet shaming

The latest craze seems to be shaming one's pets. Seriously, just google "pet shaming." The results are pretty hilarious.

Cactus Jack's bad behavior is a constant topic around my house. We've decided he just doesn't care anymore. He's 11 years old and does what he wants. He's fighting against the man (the man being me I guess). It probably doesn't help that I treat him like my baby.

Time for the world to know just how bad he is...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Just because I need a little Beckham today...

I didn't want everyone to think that I had stopped being obsessed in love with Beckham.  So here is a picture for all you people that were worried about it.  It just makes my day better.

When I feel like and have time to write again, expect exciting posts on my upcoming birthday bash and the return of the State Fair Chile Cook-off.  Riveting stuff, people!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Restaurant Week is here!!! Yea!!!

I love a good excuse to go to a fancy restaurant.  KRLD Restaurant Week is the best reason to get your butt out of the house and plan a date night with your husband, boyfriend or best friend.  What is it?  Over 125 restaurants have a three-course dinner for just $35 per person.  And these are really fabulous spots such as Capital Grille, Eddie V's and Del Frisco's. The participating restaurants will make a $7 donation to the North Texas Food Bank or Lena Pope Home for every prix fix dinner purchased.  Dining out for a good cause.  I love it.

Technically, Restaurant Week begins on Monday, August 13th, and runs through Sunday August, 19th, However; Lots of restaurants are giving a preview starting this weekend.  Here's my dining list for the week:

Where are you going for Restaurant Week?  Haven't decided yet?  HURRY!  A lot of places are booked already but you can still make your reservations HERE.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ireland = Lovely, Amazing, Wonderful

So you can tell from the title of this post that we had THE BEST time on our trip to Ireland. Can I just say I have the world's best boss? For reals. This is my 4th trip abroad and it wouldn't have been possible without him (and his air miles).

We took over 800 pictures on our new camera, a Nikon D5100. I highly recommend this camera. It is so fun to use! I really need a class to refresh my brain on all the manual settings I learned way back in school. I have tons of editing to do with these pics and hope to have some displayed in my home soon. Meanwhile, I shot a few pics on my phone while we were out and about. See below.

The weather was delightful while we were there. It rained a bit but I will take that and 65 degrees any day over the 100 degree temps we're currently experiencing in Tejas. When the sun was out it was absolutely divine. Also I have to say, the food was DELICIOUS. We drove along the southern coast of Ireland and I ate fresh seafood practically everyday. One of my favorite places was The Lime Tree in Kenmare. I had the Oven Roasted Hake (recommended by the server) and it was out of this world.  Another great spot was Global Village in Dingle.  Their menu changes every day based on the fresh, local items they use.  It is a healthier spot - no fish and chips here.  I had the scallops - YUM.

I could go on and on about how wonderful Ireland is but I would suggest instead you visit it for yourself.  The people are warm and friendly - and the majority love Americans (especially if you've got a bit o' Irish in you).  Go in the summer for the best weather.  Invest in a waterproof jacket.  Visit lots of pubs - its where you'll hear the best music.  Sing along when they ask you to.  Take a double decker bus tour of Dublin - its the best and fastest way to see the city.  Have a pint of Guinness because its delicious when its fresh (don't think it travels to the states well).  Most of all, Enjoy yourself! (That's what the Irish do!)


Pub in Doolin, County Claire
Glass of Jameson Distillery Reserve during our tour/dinner at the Jameson Distillery Irish Nights Shindig
Gleninchiquin Park and Waterfalls
St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin
Stopping for a pint of Smithwick's while touring the Beara Peninsula
Cliffs of Moher - Stunning!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Adventuring in Ireland

As I get ready to embark on my fourth summer abroad, I find myself especially excited about my trip to Ireland.  My mother's side of the family is most certainly Irish (Kennedy and Kirkpatrick) and my father claims we are Irish, but I think his side is actually English.   Regardless, I truly can't wait to explore this beautiful country!  Stay tuned for pictures!

We will be traveling to the following areas:
  • Kilkenny
  • Kenmare
  • Dingle
  • Doolin
  • Dublin
Special thanks to Michele Erdvig at 
for planning our itinerary!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I swear this is not a gardening blog...

...although its beginning to look like one since that's all I blog about lately.  There are a lot of other topics I consider writing about but I keep coming back to the garden because I'm a tad bit obsessed with its success right now.  As you can tell from older posts, things have progressed quite nicely.  I'm a little worried about whats going to happen to it when I go to Ireland this summer.  Oh yes, I'm going to Ireland.  That might be another interesting topic to blog about but for now I'll just post some more garden pics:

Full on garden craziness
Crazy Zucchini Plant 2012
First Zucchini 2012

Friday, May 4, 2012

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary, How does your garden grow?

I like to rock the Mary Janes and bonnet when gardening

That's right!  My gardening skills are out of control.  Internet access helps quite a bit.  This week I learned about ants and okra from the Aggies.  Ants like Okra and will hurt the plants.  I tried some organic ant killer so I'll have to wait an see if that works.  I've read that ants carry aphids around with them so I need to purchase some ladybugs (they can eat up to 1000 aphids a day!)

Anyway, I actually do have a green thumb!  You can see what a difference a couple of weeks make:  My garden has gone from this to THIS:

Giant Squash Plant - The Squashes love my garden box
The cucumber climb on anything - Lots of flowers right now

Obviously the squash plant dominates!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Yesterday I bought a Wok...

I figured since my garden is taking off so well, I'm going to need it to cook all my delicious veggies. I got a 20% off coupon from Bed, Bath and Beyond to use on one item so this is what I picked:

The Awesome Wok

Of course I had to try it out immediately. I've had Jessica Seinfeld's book, Double Delicious for a while now but I've yet to cook out of it.  I think the book is geared more towards people with kids since a lot of it is about sneaking healthy stuff - like cauliflower puree - into your recipes. I decided to try the Orange Beef.

Orange Beef with Carrots and Broccoli

I have to say, although it didn't look as lovely as the picture above, it was pretty tasty.  The recipe is fairly healthy - it calls for low sodium soy sauce, fresh ginger and fresh OJ.  What really makes it good is the chili paste.  I love spicy food!

And now a picture of Beans, just because I love him so much.

Beans MF

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Gardening - the badass way.

Remember that bucket of plants I posted when I was starting my garden? If not you can refresh your memory here.

Now my garden looks like this:

tomato plants
tomato, squash, zucchini, okra, peppers, strawberries, dill, garlic, chives, onion
The cucumbers like to climb.  Those flowers will hopefully turn into delicious cucumbers!
Crazy Squash Plant 2012??

Notice the lack of beets.  In case you didn't know about my disdain for beets you can check that out here. 
Farmers market, here I come!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Erath Pinot Noir

I love a good wine that's also a good value.

Check out this post from D Magazine on Erath Pinot Noir.  And then go get yourself a bottle (or two) and have your own wine tasting.  I think this will definitely be on my weekend agenda!


Monday, April 9, 2012

Gardening and Good Friday

Did you know that you are supposed to have your garden planted by Good Friday?  I got this bit of information from my 80 year old grandmother who was being pestered by my 81 year old grandfather to get all her planting done.  After a bit of research, I found out planting potatoes on Good Friday is supposed to be good luck.  I'm trying to steer clear of potatoes right now so I opted to go the vegetable route.  The hubs took me to Calloways where we purchased the following:

Tomatoes, Bell Pepper, Strawberries, Okra, Hot Pepper, Squash, Zucchini, Cantaloupe, and Cucumber
In addition to my goodies above, we bought some seeds - corn, dill, basil, chive, carrot and garlic bulbs.  I'm pretty ambitious this year as you can tell.  Last year I had only mild success, mainly from my peppers and zucchini.  After I yelled at it, my zucchini plant went wild producing giant zucchini.  I put it in everything - salads, pasta sauce, pizza - see my post here for more about that.
Crazy Zucchini Plant 2011
Anywho, I pretty much consider myself a professional gardener at this point.  I did have to do a quick google search ("what grows next to each other?") to come up with a layout.  I found THIS helpful site about companion planting.
I also did a search about square foot gardening and decided to give that a go this year.

I don't have a good pic of my garden just yet.  One of my bell pepper plants already has a tiny pepper on it.  I'm hoping this summer is not as hot as last year so I can get some good product.  The cucumber, squash and melon all seem to really love the rain we just got.  More updates to come!  

P.S.  I'm thinking of setting up a roadside stand in front of my house if this thing is successful (which I'm sure it will be)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Beckham's Burger King Commerical

I wouldn't let a little thing like getting married ruin my obsession love for David Beckham.  Why should I?  I'm loving the new BK commercial.  This might actually entice me to eat there.

Also thanks to my friend, Lauren, for sharing this story regarding the recent scandal over David's H&M ads.  I truly believe those who can't appreciate this man's fine looking physique are simply jealous haters.  Stop being jealous and start working out!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


These four letters are making me crazy right now so I decided to take out some of my frustrations by writing a post dedicated to educating us all on the importance of the R.S.V.P.   I'm not excluding myself from the group of offenders who have ignored the R.S.V.P.  I have been guilty as well.  Now, however, I have a new respect for the R.S.V.P. and its importance with regard to event planning - especially when there is a limited guest list and someone else could take the spot of a person who is unable to attend. 

A lot of people seem to think that you only need to R.S.V.P. to something if you plan on going.  WRONG!  R.S.V.P literally means "répondez, s'il vous plaît", which translates from French to "please reply."  There are situations where a host might say "R.S.V.P., Regrets Only."  If this is specifically written then the host is assuming all guests will attend unless you let the he/she know otherwise. 

For the love of God, Please Reply to your host!  There are details contingent on your response.  The host may have an alternate guest in mind if you are unable to attend.  If it is a seated dinner, the host could be spending anywhere from $40 - $150 a plate and must budget and work with the caterer to prepare plates according to attendance.  If it is a buffet, or cocktail reception, the host is still spending money per person and also must give the caterer an idea on how much food will be needed.  Seating arrangements also depend on responses if it is a formal sit down event.  Bottom line:  RESPONDING IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO!

Etiquette rules followed in most Western cultures require that if you receive a formal, written invitation, you should reply promptly, perhaps that same day. The new Emily Post's Etiquette, Emily Post & Elizabeth L. Post, Funk & Wagnalls, 1975, tells us that "Anyone receiving an invitation with an R.S.V.P. on it is obliged to reply...." and some recent editions describe breaching this standard as "inexcusably rude."

HERE'S THE REAL DEAL:  it is a simple courtesy to respond to someone who was nice enough to invite you, even if it is to say that you regret that you will not be able to attend.  Just let them know, either way.

**Another little Etiquette tip:  Outer vs. Inner Envelopes
Outer envelopes are for the address, Inner envelopes indicate who is invited.

For example if your inner envelop says:  
"John" - only John is invited
"John and Guest" - then John is invited and has the option to bring a guest
"John and Jane" - John and Jane are invited - if they have kids then the kids are NOT invited
"John, Jane, Suzie and Billy" - John, Jane, Suzie and Billy are all invited (assume Suzie and Billy are the kids)

Most people hosting an event put a lot of consideration into the guest list. I suggest people not be offended if you weren't given the option to bring a guest or your children.  There could be budgetary reasons for not including unknown "plus ones" or children, depending on the event.  If you are offended that you can't bring your new girlfriend or kids with you, you can always take the high road and politely decline the invitation.  

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Best of Big D

I have to admit, I love D Magazine's Best of Big DIt's my go-to for suggestions on everything that is Dallas.  

Not too long ago, I needed a new hair stylist.  I'm not super picky about my hair but the stylist I went to in the past was obsessed with blondes.  She wanted to take my natural medium blonde hair and make it lighter, and lighter, and lighter.  Finally I had had enough.  I'm not going for a Marilyn Monroe 'do.  I looked to the Best of Big D for suggestions and decided on Johnny Rodriguez Salon (Voted Best of Big D 2010).  They are awesome!  I couldn't be happier.

So now, a florist I'm working with, FREESIA, is in the running for Best Florist 2012.  I think everyone should go HERE and vote for Freesia.  Why?  Because, when a local business goes above and beyond, I think they deserve support from their customers.  Shannon does beautiful designs and was willing to work with my budget.  Gotta love that!  

Even if you are not interested in voting, I suggest checking it out for new places to try (or visit if you are an out of towner).   Its a great resource! 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Getting to know you...Getting to know all about you...

My dude has suddenly become concerned about whether or not we know every little thing about each other.  It has got me thinking as well.  Basically we are quizzing each other about our "favorite" things.  Its funny to see how, even after 10 years, there are things we don't know about each other.  Last nights conversation went something like this:

Me:  So I'm going to have my last meal on earth, 
what do you think it would be?

Jacob:  I'm going to say Lobster Bisque, 
a nice salad, 
and maybe a medium rare filet 
with asparagus.
Me:  What?!  No way.  I'd have 
chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes 
and mac and cheese.  
Jacob:  No.  You don't eat stuff like that. 
I've never seen you eat a 
chicken fried steak, ever.
Me:  Yes you have.  That one time at my 
dad's house.  I'm talking about my 
last meal EVER.  
Besides, who eats healthy for
their last meal?
Jacob:  Ok. Well what do you think
 I would have?

Me:  (laughing) A ranch sandwich?
Jacob:  (serious) Close. I'd have a 
nice salad with ranch, 
bone-in rib-eye, au gratin potatoes, 
and some vegetable of some sort.  
Basically, I'd go to Pappa's Bros. 
Steakhouse for my last meal.
Me:  I just don't understand 
why you are wasting your last 
meal with salad.  
Jacob:  Mmmm.  Salad with Ranch.

Today the conversation continued with the following texts:

Me:  You know my favorite candy?

Jacob:  Sour Punch
What's mine?
Me:  You always get Reese's Pieces 
at the movies.  Or M&Ms

Jacob:  Wrong.  All.

Me:  All candys are your favorite?

Jacob:  Yup.

Me:  Mmmk.  I should have known.

So at this point, I've decided we know each other well enough.  I'm sure we will figure out the rest over the next 50 years.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Random Acts of Kindness Week

"You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

I've been thinking about this topic a lot.  I recently started following another Lesley's Blog wherein she discussed this very thing.  (Thanks for the inspiration, Lesley!)  A friend of hers decided to do random acts of kindness to celebrate her birthday - one act of kindness for every year of her life.  I loved the idea.   I am reminded of this again when I saw on Twitter today that this is Random Acts of Kindness Week (Feb 13 - 19). 

At a time when its easy for me to be caught up in all my own business, I want to challenge myself to work on at least 5 random acts of kindness a day.  I truly believe kindness sends positive energy out into the universe and is good for the soul.

To challenge yourself and get ideas, visit: