Sunday, March 27, 2011

Metamorphosis - Day 2


This is what my brain has been saying to me since I woke up this morning.  Its a bad sign when you make a slight movement in bed and the soreness rouses you from your otherwise peaceful slumber.  My calves hurt, my shoulders hurt, and there is an area in my ass/hips that hurts - not quite sure where the pain is coming from.  I've never had this area hurt before in my life.  No doubt this was caused by the inverted leg raises done yesterday.  Who thinks of inverted leg raises?  Tracy Anderson, that's who.

I hadn't planned on blogging about this journey every day - I don't think 90 days of me telling everyone how much my body hurts is really all that interesting - but I had to write today because I feel quite accomplished for actually doing the workout despite the protests from my embittered muscle groups.

I have to confess, I did not do as much jumping during the cardio as I did yesterday.  My ankles/calves won that fight.  Once I did start jumping, they actually hurt much less to my suprise.  Of course the strength training was tough.  Its not the ab work that kills me - oh my abs hurt, don't get me wrong - but all the leg lift work.  I feel like it goes on and on and I'm thinking to myself - when will this stop or get easier?  I know exactly when the leg portion will get easier, it will be the last day of this 10 day series.  Then I will have to change it up and my body will hurt all over again.  You are a cunning little devil, Tracy Anderson. 

2 days down, 88 to go.

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